Unity in Diversity

Tel: 01252 792402
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What's On

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10:30am United Family Service with Carols (4th Sunday in Advent)

This week Steve Green will be preaching and it will be a continuation of our sermon series on Hidden (Real) Christmas with a theme of Jesus.

6:00pm Traditional Candle-lit Carol Service

This will be a traditional carols by candle light service. 
With preaching from Steve Green and music from an Organist.


This service will be live streamed via the St. James' YouTube Channel here

Upcoming events

On Tuesday 24th December we will be hosting a Nativity / Crib service for young families at 3:30pm.

Everyone is welcome to come.


Then on Tuesday 24th December we will be hosting an informal family carol service at 6:00pm.
Everyone is welcome to come.


From 11:30pm on Tuesday 24th through to Christmas day we will be holding a midnight mass, led by Steve Green.


Christmas day family celebration with Holy Communion at 10:00am.


There will be no prayer night on the 24th December.
Our fortnightly prayer nights will resume on the 7th of January at 7:30 - 8:00pm in the church.


Explorers for primary age children starts on Tuesday 14th January from 3:20pm to 5:30pm.


New Alpha course starts 15th January at 7:30pm.
Please sign up here
Everyone is welcome.


This week's eco tip is - To help reduce paper use -
send out electronic greetings this Christmas rather than Christmas cards and donate the money saved to charity.

Use re-usable gift bags for presents rather than wrapping paper. 


Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
John 14:11 (NIV)


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