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Music at St James Rowledge

Throughout the Bible and the history of the Church, Christians have sung praises to God.

“Come, let us sing praise to the Lord! Let us shout praises to the Rock who saves us.
Come and worship him with songs of thanks. Let us sing happy songs of praise to him.”

Psalm 95: 1-2

Music of a variety of styles, continues to be integral to our acts of worship.  Whether you enjoy the anthems of a traditional church choir or the refrains of more contemporary worship, you will find all at St James.

Do you have a passion for leading music worship?

If you are a singer or musician we would love you to get involved either with our informal music groups or our choir. Talk to Revd Russ to find out more

Informal worship

For the 10:45am service in geleral we have an iformal music worship style.  The music is led by a number of different musicians and worship leaders.  

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